

----2024年7月9日 9:00



Metro-line expansions and local air quality in Shenzhen: Focusing on network effects

We examine the air-quality effects of urban-rail development in Shenzhen, taking a difference-in-differences approach. This study is motivated by existing mixed evidence on the rail-pollution relationship, which we associate with the dynamic nature of the relationship itself. Our results demonstrate that the relationship varies by time, depending on network density and scale. New station openings had no significant impacts on local air quality or even worsened it until the 2010 metro-line extension, when Shenzhen’s metro network density was still low, with limited spatial service coverage. However, the 2016 extension significantly abated air pollution as the network grew denser and more comprehensive. The rail-driven anti-pollution effects tended to be further strengthened with externalities arising from improved network connectivity, spilling over the effects beyond newly opened stations to preexisting ones. Also, metro stations in proximity to neighborhoods that share key characteristics in transit-oriented development tended to generate a greater anti-pollution effect.


欧逸夫,2022年博士毕业于香港大学(The University of Hong Kong)城市规划及设计系,现为香港理工大学(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)土地测量及地理资讯学系博士后研究员。主要研究领域包括城市可持续发展,环境经济,土地利用与交通规划,并在Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Land Use Policy, Travel Behaviour and Society, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, Environmental and Resource Economics等期刊发表高质量论文10余篇。

版权所有:大连理工大学公共管理学院   地址:辽宁省大连市高新区凌工路2号