
【迎建校75周年系列讲座】Mark Robbins讲座

----2024年5月22日 15:00-16:30

题目:The Impact of Demographic Structure on Citizen Perceptions of School District Efficiency



嘉宾:Mark Robbins 教授


Mark Robbins,康涅狄格大学公共政策学院名誉教授,复旦大学全球公共政策研究院客座教授。主要研究州和地方政府的财政及公民的税收与支出偏好。在Public Administration Review, Public Budgeting and Finance,National Tax Journal等国际顶级和一流期刊上发表文章,并担任同行评审和编委会成员。在多个公共管理和财政预算相关的委员会担任委员,包括政府会计准则咨询委员会(GASAC)、政府财务官协会(GFOA)债务政策委员会、美国公共政策分析与管理学会(NASPAA)同行评审和认证委员会。


Researchers have found evidence of racial mismatch, that is, elderly white voters are less supportive of school spending if they reside in a community with a high concentration of non-white school children, a finding typically attributed to growing intergenerational and ethnic conflict between older and younger generations. We use a sample of U.S. residents to test whether white voters living in high minority areas are more likely to perceive their schools as being inefficient. We find evidence of such racial mismatch consistent with the literature and investigate whether this can be explained by actual inefficiency rather than bias, concluding that it appears to bias, particularly for older white residents.

版权所有:大连理工大学公共管理学院   地址:辽宁省大连市高新区凌工路2号