

----2023年10月17日 15:30-16:30

讲座预告: 模拟海洋空间规划


讲座地点:厚德楼 304;腾讯会议:394-509-253

主讲人:Harald,Warmelink (荷兰Breda 应用技术大学 副教授)

讲座内容:‘MSP Challenge Simulation Platform: A Conceptual and Architectural Introduction’

…about a multi-player simulation gaming platform for marine or maritime spatial planning, called ‘MSP Challenge’

You’ll get a conceptual introduction: What is MSP Challenge? What do you experience when you play it?

And you’ll get an architectural introduction: How does it work (in general)? What happens ‘under the hood’ when you play it?

版权所有:大连理工大学公共管理学院   地址:辽宁省大连市高新区凌工路2号